Evening Services
Every month Emmaus hosts two contemplative prayer services at the Presbyterian College from 7:30-8:30pm. These services are meant to provide space for us to step back from the busyness of our lives and pay attention to the still small voice of God. Our desire is to experience the rest for our souls that Jesus invites us into: “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” (Matt.11:28-30)
Taizé Prayer Service - (Every 2nd THURsday)
These services are centered around simple repetitive songs, Scripture readings, and silent prayer.
Compline Prayer Service - (Every 4th THURsday)
These services are centered around experiencing God’s rest and peace at the completion (compline means complete) of the day. We read Scripture together, we reflect on God’s Word and Christian art, we pray, and we sing.
Habit Groups
“[M]ake every effort to supplement your faith with virtue, and virtue with knowledge, and knowledge with self-control, and self-control with steadfastness, and steadfastness with goodness.”~ 2 Peter 1:5-6
“And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.” ~ Hebrews 10:24-25
“Virtues, quite simply, are good moral habits…. Good moral habits are like internal dispositions to the good—they are character traits that become woven into who you are so that you are the kind of person who is inclined to be compassionate, forgiving, and so forth.” ~ James K. A. Smith
End (telos): To put on the character of Christ.
Means: By promoting the practice of spiritual disciplines in the context of community.
Habit Groups: Small communities of persons that regularly meet (in person or online) to “stir up one another” to the virtuous habits they have mutually agreed upon. Habit Groups are characterized by encouragement and prayer.
Possible Habits: Prayer, Simplicity, Lectio Divina, Works of Mercy, Fasting (e.g. food, entertainment, alcohol), Study, Solitude, Silence, Hospitality, Alms-giving, Service, Self-Control, Spiritual Direction, the Examen, etc.
·Getting Started: Anyone may propose a Habit Group. Simply email a short description of the Group to discipleship@emmausanglicanchurch.com in the format modeled below. There is no expertise required to start/lead a Habit Group, simply a desire to put on the character of Christ.
List of Habit Groups
Goal: To promote Bible memorization by creating an opportunity for persons (of any age) to recite Scripture in a low-pressure environment.
Group: Meets before the service @ 10:00 AM on the first Sunday of every month.
To Join: Email discipleship@emmausanglicanchurch.com (or just show up on Sunday afternoon).
Goal: To grow in the practice of contemplative prayer, learning to be more attentive to God. The St. Mary and St. Martha Contemplative Prayer Habit Group wants to learn to sit at the feet of Jesus (St. Mary) so that we know how to serve Him well (St. Martha) in the world.
Group: Meets at Dan and Dita’s house @ 7:00 PM on the first Tuesday of every month.
To Join: Email discipleship@emmausanglicanchurch.com
Goal: To provide a space to think together about what it means to live as Christians today.
Group: Meets at Trevor's house @ 7:00 PM on the last Wednesday of every month.
To Join: Email discipleship@emmausanglicanchurch.com
Goal: To develop a practice of daily Scripture reading.
Group: Meets via group email.
To Join: Email discipleship@emmausanglicanchurch.com
Sacred Suppers
Sacred Suppers are a time for us to fellowship together, to grow more deeply in our friendships with one another, and to express hospitality to each other.
When: Once per month (check the calendar for dates and times).
Where: We currently have sacred supper in one location, which is located in Montreal (near Snowdon metro). All are welcome to attend.
How: Potluck style.
Sign-Up: In order to help build community, participants are asked to make a quarterly commitment. There are 3 suppers, one per month, during a quarter. While some may wish to remain at the same host home for more than one quarter, some may choose to switch homes/days at the end of a quarter. You can sign-up by sending an email to the church office at office@emmausanglicanchurch.com.
Our hope and prayer is that these Sacred Suppers will be times in which we are drawn more deeply into the love and joy of the Triune God together.
Emmaus believes that part of why the Lord created His Church is to serve the world that He created, and in so doing, point people to Him.
Emmaus is regularly seeking opportunities to get to know our neighbours and to embody the Good News of God in Montreal. For more information on Emmaus’ outreach, or for information on how to get involved, please contact: outreach@emmausanglicanchurch.com
Two of the primary ways in which we serve in Montreal and the Greater Montreal Area are:
The Open Door
The Open Door drop-in centre seeks to care for the physical and spiritual needs of Montreal’s indigent community. For more information consult the website or contact the office at 514-939-1970. Volunteers are needed in various capacities.
Prison Ministry
A group of volunteers from Emmaus serve at Archambault prison once a month. We join in worshiping the risen Lord Jesus with the men of Archambault, we fellowship together, and we pray for one another. For more information contact: prisonministry@emmausanglicanchurch.com