+ Historic + Thoughtful + Loving +

As the Book of Common Prayer reminds us, we are called to be God's people for the sake of the world.

In a world that is busy and loud, confused and not grounded, where people are over-advertised, over-worked, over-scheduled, and over-connected (distracted), Emmaus is seeking to be a community that celebrates all that is good, beautiful and true in the world by living into the rhythms of God’s grace here and now.

Emmaus understands herself to be HISTORIC, THOUGHTFUL and LOVING:

  • Historic: We are Anglican and part of the Great Tradition - the one, holy, catholic and apostolic church. Our worship is grounded in the historic liturgy expressed in the Book of Common Prayer, through which we seek to faithfully worship the living God in Word and Sacrament. The simplicity and beauty of the liturgy and the ancient practices carry us as we seek to live faithfully today.

  • Thoughtful: We recognize that today, in our rapidly changing culture, we need to learn to think rightly, humbly and wisely about God, ourselves, and His world. We desire for our worship of the Triune God to be thoughtful, to provide space for quiet reflection and contemplation, and to honour God’s Holy Word. We want our worship to engage our minds and our hearts so that we know how to think wisely, critically, and generously as we seek to be God’s people for the sake of the world.

  • Loving: We desire to be a loving community. A community of people whose hearts are open to all (2 Cor. 6:11), and who practice generosity and hospitality in our gatherings, our homes and our neighbourhoods. We know that we can think all the right things, say all the right things, and do all the right things, but if we don’t have love we are nothing (1 Cor. 13).



The Anglican Communion is the fourth largest denomination in the world (80 million members in 160 countries). Established during the Protestant Reformation as part of the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church, Anglicans seek to be biblically faithful while retaining the ancient traditions of the Faith. Anglicans hold the historic Faith of the ancient Church: built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus Himself as the chief cornerstone, upheld in the Scriptures, preserved in the Creeds, defined by the Councils of the undivided Church, and liturgically expressed in praise to God through The Book of Common Prayer.

Emmaus is a parish in the diocese of the Anglican Network in Canada. As an ANiC parish we are part of the Province of the Anglican Church in North America , which is a partner Province of the Global South, and affiliated with the Global Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans .

As Anglicans, we define our orthodoxy as being centered on our church’s classic formularies – the Book of Common Prayer, including the Ordinal, and the Thirty-nine Articles – which all point back to the authority of Holy Scripture and articulate foundational principles of the Anglican tradition throughout the world. We also wholeheartedly embrace the Jerusalem Declaration.

To learn more about some distinctive characteristics of Anglicanism, see the following links:

Christianity & Anglicanism - ANiC

What is Anglicanism? - ACNA

Why Anglicanism? , Misconceptions of Anglicanism and Dangers of Anglicanism – From our friends at St. Peter’s Fireside

What is Anglicanism? – Dr. J. I. Packer



Clergy and Staff

Rector / Lead Pastor

Reverend Allan Theobald

youth coordinator


sebastian lee

Sebastian (李敬亞) was born in Ottawa and grew up in both Taipei, Taiwan (台北) and Vancouver. He is married to Janna and now lives in Montreal. Sebastian completed his bachelors degree at UBC and his graduate diploma at Regent College. He has also been serving as a Campus Minister with InterVarsity Canada at McGill University since 2017. Sebastian has a passion for youth to know and be transformed by Jesus.

parish coordinator


Anita Tso

I was born and raised in Toronto.  I am married to Scott and have 3 children, Ava, Juliette and Isaac.  Scott and I have been attending Emmaus since 2009.  I am a social worker by training and have worked primarily with children and families.  Emmaus has always been a community of support and encouragement to me.  I am excited to be part of the life of Emmaus.  



Rector’s Warden

Paul Huston

I was born and raised in St. Thomas Ontario, and met my wife Susan while studying in Ottawa. Since that time we've been blessed with two (now adult) children, as well as incredible memories of our family times in Montreal, Ottawa and London, England. We have been members of Emmaus since 2022, and have grown to deeply love not only its sense of community, but its devotion to a contemplative Christian experience.

People’s warden


Cynthia Morris

Originally from Detroit, Mi., Cynthia moved to Quebec in 1970 where she lived and worshiped in French until she came to St-Stephen’s (Mother church of Emmaus) in 1993, a refuge when her marriage was failing. She is recently retired, after 30+ years as an adult education ESL teacher. She has volunteered in Sunday School and on the missions’ support team for over twenty years. Because of her passion for mission and teaching, Cynthia was able to use several sabbaticals to make mission trips to Latin America and be involved in Bible teaching there. She has just submitted her master’s thesis in theology at ETEQ (École de Théologie Évangélique du Québec). Cynthia loves being part of a multigenerational community committed to a historic biblical faith which reaches out in compassion in the present and values our call to mission in the world.



Scott Halse

Scott Halse is a husband, a college teacher, and a father of three children. Originally from Ontario, Scott moved with his wife, Anita, to Montreal in 2005 to study at McGill. He has attended Emmaus since its inception in 2009 and was confirmed by Bishop Charlie Masters in 2012.


Pamela Gabauer

I have been a member of St. Stephen’s Church and then Emmaus Anglican Church, since 1995. During that time, I have served in the prayer ministry and as a Lay Reader, as well as a trustee. I was also involved in directing the Steering Committee during the launching of Emmaus Anglican Church in 2009. I worked with an urban mission in Montreal from 1989 to 2018. I came to know the Lord while I was a university student in Buffalo, and shortly afterward, felt led to serve the Lord full-time in the Quebec context. I’m continually challenged by the mission field here in Montreal and have been greatly blessed by the spiritual encouragement of Emmaus church in my life. I look forward towhat the Lord has in store for our church in its mission to Montreal.

member at large

Kathy proudlove

I have been involved in various ministries at Emmaus over the last 10 years, including children’s ministry, welcome team, designing the website and the youth ministry to name a few. What people might not know is that before coming to Montreal, I was a children’s pastor at two different large churches, and I was in a position of volunteer management at one as well. As Volunteer Resource Coordinator I supported the staff as we worked with over 800 volunteers. My job included recruiting, supporting and appreciating our volunteers as we worked within our church walls and in the community. I also have experience working on committees including capital campaigns and conference committees. My educational experience is diverse, as I have a BA with a major in Early Childhood Education and a minor in Theology, an MA in Child Studies and a PhD in Education. I also have a DEC in Special Care Counselling and a certificate in Volunteer Resource Management. I am also trained to train others in our abuse prevention plan. I have grown to love the Emmaus community over the last decade.